About me

I started painting when I was 10 years old and art has been in my life ever since. Human relationships, psychology also are a great source of interest. My passion for English led me to become an English teacher.

After 25 years of teaching different age groups (from 11 to 18), I decided to help children and young adults in a different way. So I joined the art-therapy school Profac, specialised in psychology and psychoanalysis. At the same time, I took a course in behavioural therapies : Somatic experiencing and Integral Somatic psychology. Recently I have been trained on EFT – emotional freedom technique and PTT – Picture Tapping Technique.

What can I do for you ?

I offer to help you either with non-verbal processes and art or if you feel more comfortable with words, with emotional freedom techniques.
Indeed, there can be times in our lives when it’s hard to make sense of how we are feeling. I offer a safe and non-judgemental space where you will be able to talk or draw through painful issues. This will help to bring clarity and understanding to the causes as well as the symptoms of those problems. This can lead you to a deeper understanding of yourself.

What will we do together ?

During the first session, I will get to know you and listen to your concerns, then I will introduce the tools I use so we can decide what would be best for you.
You don’t need to be an artist, have skills or talent. In art-therapy, nothing is judged. If you create something, it will never be shown : what is important is the process of doing and making, not the result.
Art-therapy can be used when words are difficult.
I also offer sessions based on emotions and their integration. To do so, words but also cards or animals are used to express feelings. Sometimes, we will add the tapping of acupuncture points to free tensions.
Together, we will try to understand why some situations get out of hands and how they are connected. By acknowledging them, you will be able to shed light on the emotions behind the trauma and accept them to deal with them, in a different way.

Who do I work with ?

My practice is open to all : children, teenagers and adults with a special focus on school issues. I’m still a part-time teacher so I know the problems children, teens and parents can face. I can help you during a period of doubt, stress, anxiety with a few sessions but also accompany you on deeper issues, on the long run. For younger children, I adapt my methods to their age : I use a stuffed teddy bear in EFT or special water-based pens…

For children and teenagers, we can work on all school related concerns : relationships, preparation of exams, anxiety linked to tests, oral presentations, separations, losses, emotional difficulties…

For adults, we can work on traumas, difficult situations (at work, at home), memories, limits, cravings, emotional difficulties….

My diplomas and certificates

  • Art-thérapie Contemporaine © : centre de psychologie appliquée, PROFAC
  • EFT : Organisme Autonomia with Aurélie Passily
  • PTT : IBK – Institut Belge de Kinésiologie with Dominique Monette


My practice is located in Dinan (near the train station)
Espace Emeraude Santé
8 rue Deroyer
For an appointment, please call or leave a text message :
+33(0)7 54 56 27 62

Online sessions are also available. I will send you a « Meet » link and the instructions before the session with a list of the material needed.


Each session lasts around 1 hour (it can be less for children) – at the practice or online :

  • Adults and teenagers : 50 €
  • Children : 45 €
  • Families : 60 €